Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

Synopsis :
    Chongming Middle School is an ordinary junior middle school in Jiangchuan City, but its school YOYO team - Blazing Team is the most promising team with the highest reputation. The reason lies in the soul of the team – Captain, Jacky! Jacky is one of the most skilled YOYO master in the region. When he was 13-year-old, he won the 1A championship of regional contest for professional group. He also dabbles in 1A to 5A, is known as a versatile genius player. However, in a recent overseas open contest, Jacky has suffered an unprecedented defeat. Since then, Jacky’s confidence has been heavily hit, and he even intended to resign from the Captain and completely leave the YOYO world. At the same time, a passionate youth named as Liam came to Chongming Middle School due to admiration for Jacky’s YOYO skills and entered into Jacky’s YOYO world. With strong motivation and indomitable spirit, Liam finally joined the Blazing Team after innumerable hardships and stands together with his idol. However, the two completely different characters meet on the road of YOYO and made new sparks. One is a YOYO master pursuing for perfection; while, the other one is a rough and primary newcomer with little understanding of YOYO. They have gradually developed into friends, but also teacher and student in hundreds of quarrels. Jacky leads Liam forward the way of YOYO; meanwhile, Liam’s enthusiasm and fighting will also positively impact on Jacky. In addition, such a violent collision also brings a new change to the Blazing Team.

    However, when the Blazing Team is changing and growing, another two YOYO forces in the city are also constantly growing and their growing strength gradually creates a lot of pressure and threats to the Blazing Team. One of them is the school team of famous Yawen Middle School – Tornado Team. The Captain, Ray is a powerful competitor with Jacky. He integrates YOYO game plays and fighting techniques together and creates his unique style. The Tornado Team is composed of elites and has stringent team rules. Based on their strength, it is possible for them to replace the Blazing Team at any time.

    The other one is the school team of another top school, Lingzhi International School - Falcon Team. Although the team is set up in a relatively short time, it consists of international members with different backgrounds. Therefore, their strength is unpredictable. Especially, their Captain, Dylan is a Chinese-French half-breed, very good at 1A and 5A. In addition, he always keeps calm and wise with excellent cohesion ability, who is a great leader indeed. Tornado members are also skilled and every one has their own strengths. So, it is definitely a threat to the Blazing Team.

    The three YOYO teams from three secondary schools form three combinations of youths with different styles; at the same time, each team’s coach and school principal also compete and struggle with each other at different levels. Every team member keeps practicing and growing in contact and contest with each other and go forward to the goal of national championship!

    Taking the Captain of Blazing Team, Jacky and the new member, Liam as the center, coupled with members sharing weal and woe, competitors appreciating each other and helpful friends and relatives, a 40-episode inspirational story for youth is developed through various encounters, conflicts and battles of wits and techniques.
Wedside: http://yoyo.auldey.com
Episode story :
Episode 1

Many years ago, a YOYO player has become an unbeaten legend in YOYO world in China. In order to go beyond the legend, Jacky leads his Blazing Team to participate in international contest held in Japan. By virtue of fast skills created by him, he won the champion of the individual contest. At the same time, Liam in Jiangchuan City is challenging the latest electronic YOYO game and wins the new title of YOYO “Blaze Fighter”. Due to a kid’s provocation, he begins to learn how to play a real YOYO and accepts the challenge from that kid. However, Jacky, who is preparing for the team contest, is so nervous without any relaxation. On the event day, due to the outstanding performance of “Burst Team”, Blazing Team has to change strategy temporarily, which creates some difficulties for team members.


Episode 2

The Blazing Team is defeated in the team contest and Jacky believes that he has made all his efforts in YOYO. When he is thinking about the significance of team contest talked by Li Fei, he meets Liam, who is playing YOYO as a toy. Due to different concepts of YOYO, they become conflict with each other. In the new school year, Liam joins the Chongming Middle School; meanwhile, the world champion, Dylan also enters into the Lingzhi Middle School and prepares to develop a YOYO team. After heard that the Blazing Team is absorbing new members, Liam wants to participate in the selection match for funs; but, Jacky doesn’t want to accept him and try to hold him back. They therefore take a duel and Liam is defeated. Jacky blames Liam that he is unqualified to play YOYO because he takes YOYO as a toy; but, Liam refuses to accept it and vows to join the Blazing Team.

Episode 3

Liam determines to join the Blazing Team and seriously study YOYO techniques. Meanwhile, Jacky expressed his idea to leave the Blazing Team to the coach, Tony, which is known by the team manager, Sandy. When Liam is training hard, he encounters the Vice Captain who is looking for new members for the Blazing Team, Ken, and makes great progress with Ken’s help. When Jacky is to declare his leave to Blazing Team members, Liam stops him accidentally and falls out on the spot. In order to get the latest YOYO – “Mirage”, Liam participates in a lucky draw, but it falls on the hands of his classmate, Lily. They encounter a new member of the Tornado Team, Charles, and start a battle because of Charles’s verbal provocation to Blazing Team. But, unfortunately, Liam’s accessory YOYO is broken.

Episode 4

Lily ultimately defeats Charles. In order to repair the accessory YOYO, Liam asks Sandy for help; however, Sandy gives Liam a new “Thunder” with a condition, that is, Liam must successfully join the Blazing Team. At the same time, Sandy enters a bet with Jacky by taking Liam’s participation in the Team as a stake in order to retain Jacky. Blazing Team members are shocked by the information about Jacky’s leave. Ken and Jerry even initiatively begin to help Liam for special training. After knowing Jacky’s idea of leaving and his experience from Sandy, Liam takes seriously hard and careful training. In order to prove his strength, Liam challenges with Ken and Jerry.


Episode 5

Liam wins the contest with Jerry. When he understood the importance of Jacky in members’ minds, he denounces Jacky as a coward and determines to prove himself through the selection match. The selection match for new Blazing Team members finally begins, but Liam gets injured due to rescue someone and falls in the match after passing through the first round of test. In the case that Liam can not continue to complete the test, everyone pleads for Liam and asks for Jacky to postpone the second round of test, but Jacky refuses it. In the second round of test, Lily smoothly enters into the Blazing Team as the No.1; while, the injured Liam breaks even with the No.2 and has to take a “table tennis training” test with him in order to get the last seat in the Blazing Team...

Episode 6

Liam wins the test by a surprise game play, passing through the final round of selection test for new members, and successfully enters into the Blazing Team. But, later then, Liam is repeatedly absent in training. In fact, he did not intend to actually join the Blazing Team but to prove his strength to Jacky. And he even asks for withdrawal. Ken and Jerry adopt every possible means, tough and soft and have to shut Liam in the training room for pondering over his mistakes. At this moment, Sandy comes here and moves Liam. However, on the second day, Liam accidentally breaks the YOYO “Fire Bird” and is dismissed by Jacky. On the other hand, the Head of YOYO Association comes to Yawen Middle School for meeting and experiences the extraordinary strength of the champion of the last national contest, Tornado Team during the visit……

Episode 7

When playing games in the game room, Liam encounters his classmate in primary schools, Jess and knows that he has joined the Tornado Team. The Blazing Cup Contest for YOYO Beginners begins to accept application and Lily induces Liam to rejoin the Team by a reason that only Team members can participate in it. Meanwhile, Jacky tells Sandy that he dismisses Liam since he feels pity for Liam does not cherish his talent, which makes Sandy feel helpless. Liam meets Charles again and gets know that Jess has never joined the Tornado Team. He rushes to query Jess, but discovers that Jess applies for participation in the Contest as a Tornado Team member. Charles reveals the truth and puts down Jess in front of others. In order to give vent to Jess's anger, Liam wins a contest with Charles. Finally, Jess tells his difficulties and begs Liam to participate in the Contest and win the prize to realize his grandfather’s wish. Therefore, Liam goes back to ask for rejoining the Blazing Team, but he is rejected by Jacky. So, Liam finds various ways and means and wants to rejoin the Team through the Contest.

Episode 8

Teammates initiatively help Liam take the qualification for Contest and intercede with Jacky. Larry inadvertently discloses that Liam takes part in the Contest for the airline ticket, resulting in teammates misunderstand Liam’s purpose and therefore decide to give Liam a lesson. So, Liam makes a fruitless trip to the registry. When Jess tells the truth to the crowd, he is mistaken as a liar. Therefore, Liam and Ken launch a duel, but Liam fails. To this end, Liam trains hard at this night and meets Sandy who wants to secretly help him. While, Jacky meets Jess and his grandfather and gets to know the truth. He helps Liam register successfully at the last minute and also re-accepts Liam. With help of teammates, Liam actively prepares for the Contest, but meets obstacles in the performance of free game plays. Jacky tries to help him secretly……

Episode 9

Liam runs across the Captain of Tornado Team, Ray who is training new members. With the hostility to Blazing Team, Ray challenges Liam. When Liam is knocked out of stuffing, Jacky appears and helps him. Ray turns to challenge Jacky and defeats Jacky by use his trick. Jacky has been seriously affected. Accidentally, Liam gets to know that Ray and Jacky were intimate friends in the past, but became enemies in the national contest last year because Ray accused Jacky of deliberate losing the contest. Jacky dissatisfies with Liam for his private contest with Ray and penalizes him to loop 150 loops in 1 minute, or else, he would expel Liam from Blazing Team. So, Liam has to work hard to practice somersault although he is displeased. At this time, Liam knows Sean, another YOYO player, and become friends. Sean’s words inadvertently inspires Liam to understand the way of double loop.


Episode 10

Liam uses two YOYO balls to loop the loop and ultimately passes the test, and also understands Jacky’s intention. He determines to get the championship in the Contest! The Blazing Teens Contest for YOYO Beginners starts. Liam, Lily, Charles, Onion and Sean participate in the Contest on behalf of their respective teams. In the first round of test to assemble YOYO, the five ones stand out and enter into the second round – playing cards. In order to ensure the victory, Ray uses trick and asks Onion to make every effort to prevent other players from scoring, so as to help Charles enter into the final. Liam finds such a trick, but he avoids Onion’s attack in order to protect Onion’s YOYO from collision and damage and loses a lot of scoring opportunities ……

Episode 11

After the second round, Sean, Lily and Charles enter the final. However, Liam becomes unqualified for the final as he lost scoring opportunities in order to protect Onion’s YOYO. While he is depressed, it is suddenly announced that Sean exits from the contest and the vacancy is filled by Liam. Liam feels overjoyed. Lily is affected by her cousin, Takashi and falls behind Charles in the final due to a lot of pressure. Before Liam enters the stage, Jacky trusts Sandy to lent “Thunder”, which he had used to Liam. In the final, Liam uses two “Thunder” YOYO to play 2A, which he had practiced hard for a long time. But, he meets crisis under high stress. Encouraged by Jacky, Liam has extraordinary performance, plays the highest level of YOYO, Glare and wins the champion.
Episode 12

Liam realizes the wish of Jess’s grandfather. Later then, Jacky suddenly steps up the training of Blazing Team, which surprised Sandy. In fact, the former world champion, Dylan who always insists on “the Western YOYO is the authentic” comes to Jiangchuan City and establishes the Falcon Team. Jacky worries about that it will adversely affect the Chinese YOYO community and intends to join hands with Ray, but he has been refused. Charles has been expelled from Tornado Team by Ray due to his failure in the Contest for Beginners. With encouragement by Liam and other people, he meets Ray for negotiation, but Ray proposes a precondition that Charles must exercise a set of game plays satisfying with him within three days. Charles determines to meet the requirement. Liam, Lily and Sean are moved by his sincerity and decide to work together to help him.

Episode 13

Jacky helps Liam understand the principle of Glare, but also instructs Charles. Everyone racks their brains to help Charles, but failed. In an accident, Charles suddenly understands it and finally plays the Glare in front of Ray. Thus, he has been recognized by Ray and rejoins the Falcon Team. On the other hand, Jacky is invited by Dylan to watch the first promotion match of Falcon Team in the national contest. He is surprised by Dylan’s strength and outstanding performance in the one-to-five duel. After the contest, Dylan announces that he will lead the Falcon Team to win the national championship, so as to prove that Western YOYO is the authentic. What he said provokes the crowd.


Episode 14

In order to promote Jacky and Ray to join hands to combat with Dylan, Liam, Lily, Charles and Onion work together to investigate the truth of national contest held in last year. They find that Jacky’s right hand seems injured, but Jacky keeps silent to the cause of his injury. When Ray gets to know that, he goes to ask Jacky and make an agreement that if the Tornado Team defeats the Blazing Team in the promotion match, Jacky will tell the truth. On the other hand, Liam, Lily, Charles and Onion mistake Sean as the partner of Dylan and intend to break their relations. However, Sean tells them that he doesn't agree with Dylan and wants to withdraw from the Falcon Team. Everyone is shocked. Upon persuasion of everyone, Sean finally gives up the idea of withdrawal. The match between Tornado Team and Blazing Team starts officially. Jacky and Nick have a secret conversation. It seems that there are hidden reasons……
Episode 15

The match between the Blazing Team and Tornado Team is undertaking, but Onion disappears unexplainably. The Tornado Team quickly sends members out to look for him. When Liam gets know that, he helps them regardless of the position of competitors and finally gets Onion who is trapped in toilet out and addresses the crisis of Tornado Team. Through several rounds of contest, Ray defeats Ken and the Tornado Team gets the upper hand, the final duel between two captains is to break out……

Episode 16

Jacky finally confronts with Ray and defeats him through rough struggle, winning the final victory for the Blazing Team. Ray holds an uneasy heart for no knowledge on the truth; while the vice captain, Nick suddenly discloses it. In fact, he took tricks on Jacky’s YOYO in order to ensure the national champion of Tornado Team, but he was being discovered by Jacky and accidentally hurt him. Jacky doesn’t want to undermine the unity of Tornado Team and holds the truth back. Nick feels ashamed and uneasy and asks for leave. But, Ray wakes him up by cursing and helps him understand Jacky’s efforts. Since then, Ray and Jacky let go of their enmity and jointly study strategies to fight against Dylan. However, Liam gets aware of that the “Thunder” is not suitable for his development, but he insists on not replacing the ball for the deep feeling to “Thunder”. Jacky goes to specifically enlighten Liam when he gets know that……


Episode 17

Liam is worrying about the replacement of ball and meets Sean in the game room. Sean suddenly changes his attitude and speaks rudely, and even stimulus Liam to duel with him in front of Lily, Charles and Onion. Liam is driven beyond his endurance and takes a battle with Sean, but he fails. In this circumstance, Liam initiatively meets Sandy and gets his new ball, “Thunder S”, and understands why Sean did that. Otherwise, the contest between the Tornado Team and Falcon Team is about to start. In order to fight against Dylan, Ray begins to practice speed with Jacky’s help. But, Jacky found that Dylan has a unique skill never been seen by others - “Spinning Upside Down”. He tells Sandy that Dylan will be forced to play it unless Ray can play the new skill they have created together. But, it is pressed for time, and Jacky is reluctant to push Ray into risks. Ray heard their dialogue and starts to practice the new skill secretly……
Episode 18

Liam can not control the power of new ball - “Thunder S” and criticized by Ken. He guides Liam that only understanding the characteristics of the ball can he make full advantages of the ball. Nick gets to know that Ray is practicing new skill and fully learns the situation from Jacky. He personally convenes team members to support Ray, which is strictly opposed by Charles. Charles runs away, but meets provocation of Steven and Andy from the Falcon Team and takes a duel with Steven. At the critical moment, Sean arrives to suspend them and takes Steven and Andy back to the Falcon Team. Dylan dissatisfies with Steven’ and Andy’s behavior to privately contest with others. Some members seize the opportunity to request chances to participate in contest, but Dylan does not say yes or no. Steven is full of grievances and goes to challenge Liam. Unexpectedly, Liam understands the overall situation and is unmoved. Charles is enlightened after that and decides to support Ray to practice with new skills with other team members.

Episode 19

After consideration, Dylan agreed to the member’s request for participation; while, Ray becomes full of confidence with support by members. Unexpectedly, when Ray is focusing on practicing new skills, Tornado Team members suddenly get informed that Dylan did not intend to take part in, but shall send four team members to participate in the contest. In order to force Dylan to participate in the contest, Nick and team members secretly do everything they can do in order to defeat Falcon Team members one by one…… The contest finally begins. The Tornado Team adopts an alternative method integrating offense and defense, energy exhaustion with rapid attacks to deal with the Falcon Team……


Episode 20

The contest between the Tornado Team and Falcon Team is continuing. The Tornado Team combines offensive and defensive strategies and has successfully defeated three Falcon Team players. And then, the Vice Captain, Takashi is sent out, who has detected Tornado’s strategy. By virtue of his power, he hotly pursues and fiercely attacks Nick and quickly defeats Nick. After the failure of Nick, only the Captain of Tornado Team, Ray hasn’t entered the stage. In order to force Dylan, Ray decides to make every effort to beat down Takashi and shall finally take a battle with Dylan as his wish. The two captains have a fierce battle. At the beginning, Dylan always keeps Ray down and even ideally believes that he has taken the upper hand. When he is to take the final attack, Ray makes counterattack unexpectedly. Dylan is shocked and gets already to play his unique skill……

Episode 21

Ray plays his new skill – “Pothook 1.0” and drives Dylan to play his unique skill – “Spinning Upside Down”. Ray is defeated and Tornado Team loses the contest, but Jacky has taken this opportunity to clarify Dylan’s unique skill. Through the contest, Dylan understands that it is impossible to get the national championship only by his personal power and begins to strengthen the special training on his team members. The contest between Blazing Team and Falcon Team is to start. Through study on Dylan’s game plays with Ray, Jacky decides to improve his speed to deal with Dylan. However, Liam is still unable to control the power of “Thunder S” at this moment; Ken gives directions and encourages him to train hard. Lily presents birthday gift to her cousin, Takashi, who does not appreciate it and even criticizes Lily is not eligible to be a YOYO player. In order to demonstrate her strength, Lily takes a battle with Takashi at riverside. But, he is defeated and loses confidence. Sean has seen them by chance.

Episode 22

After blow by Takashi, Lily becomes absent the team training in a period and even proposes to leave the team. Liam is looking for the reason for Lily. When he heard that it is related to Takashi, he becomes impulsive and goes to Falcon Team for troubles. When he is quarreling with Takashi, Jacky leads team members get here. In order to maintain Lily and Blazing Team, he has to make an agreement with Dylan that he will hand over the champion cup of the first national contest if the Blazing Team is defeated by Falcon Team in the promotion match. Lily is moved by her teammates and turns back to the team. On the other hand, Jacky gets the results of special training and successfully doubles his speed. In order to help Jacky make better performance, Sandy has developed “Ice Spirit” with higher rotation capacity for him, which makes Jacky feels more powerful. Liam is troubled that he can not completely control the new “Thunder S” and Jacky advises him to pay attention to the hand feeling.

Episode 23

When Liam is puzzled at how to practice hand feeling, Uncle Y who is good at kung fu teaches him a set of Tai Chi moves named as “Grasp Bird’s Tail”. He works hard over day and night. It is time to begin the contest between the Blazing Team and Falcon Team, but Liam is so tired to oversleep. The contest goes smoothly and hotly. Jerry follows Ken to compete with Sean and plays extraordinarily with the enthusiasm to YOYO and determination to defend the honor of Blazing Team and defeats Sean. But then, he falls into the trap of Takashi and is beaten down due to his impatience. And then, Lily meets Takashi. Takashi reminds the happy time of them when playing YOYO in the past and gets slack. But, Lily doesn’t want to swoop in and gives up the chance to attack; while, Takashi launches a full attack after recalling his attentions.

Episode 24

Ultimately, Takashi defeats Lily, but Liam still has not yet arrived at the site and Jacky would like to challenge Takashi. At the last minute, Liam gets here and takes a fierce battle with Takashi. With the excellent collaboration with new “Thunder S”, Liam beats down Takashi and firstly meets Dylan. In the fighting, Liam is inferior to Dylan with respect to the technique, but he still works hard and bravely to lay a solid for Jacky. In the contest with Dylan, although Jacky finds the way to fight against Dylan, he is finally defeated by Dylan due to weak physical ability. When leaving the site, Dylan jeers at Blazing Team’s honorary as worthless, which gives a heavy blow to their confidence. All team members are hurt deeply, except the Captain, Jacky. He does not give up, but encourage team members to re-start.

Episode 25

After passing through a number of barriers, the Blazing Team finally enters into the final of the national contest to fight with the powerful competitor, Falcon Team. However, the Blazing Team is always unable to deal with Dylan. At the moment, Liam reminds Tai Chi methods and asks Uncle Y to help them for special training with Tai Chi moves. Unfortunately, Jacky suffers a significant setback. When Sandy knows that, she specifically designs a new ball for Liam and expects him to help Jacky. The final of the national contest comes and all Tornado Team members also present to cheer for the Blazing Team. With the new contest system, individual challenge match and team contest is combined to judge the winner by the highest scores. Therefore, Dylan and Takashi plan to attend the contest also in order to accumulate scores as much as possible. In the first round of the challenge match, Takashi defeats Jerry; in the second round, Lily meets her cousin once again……

Episode 26

Lily ultimately defeats Takashi by her outstanding performance. At this time, Falcon Team members get aware of Dylan’s scheme and suddenly lose their spirit. Sean is even forced to fight with Lily. With Lily’s encouragement, Sean expels all troubles in his mind and defeats Lily. In order to defend the honor of the Team, the Vice Captain, Ken works hard to defeat Sean, Steven and Andy consecutively and finally meets Dylan. Dylan is so anxious to gain the victory and rapidly beats down Ken. Now, there are only Jacky and Liam left in the Blazing Team. Jacky suffers pains on hand, but insists on challenging Dylan first. Liam is deeply moved by Jacky’s intention. At the last moment to take the decisive skill, Jacky accepts Liam’s advice and gives up initiative attack to avoid worsening the injury. Therefore, the burden of Blazing Team to win the contest falls on the shoulder of Liam.


Episode 27

In the last challenge match of the national contest, Liam competes with Dylan by his excellent collaboration with the new ball “Photon” and unique game plays. Everyone is shocked by Liam’s great progress. Although he lose match at the last moment, his persistence wins a lot of cheers. Before the team contest, Jacky suffers the old injury once again and the Blazing Team gets into hot water. In order to address the problem, Liam proposes a new idea. With such an idea, the whole Blazing Team gets united as one and eventually wins the championship in this national contest. It crushes Dylan’s Western theory and enables him to understand the true meaning of playing YOYO.


Episode 28

After the national competition, Jiangchuan restored the calm of the past. Summer vacation, Yao Jie accident received the invitation to the entry of the world yo-yo all-around game, "the fire team, only to Yao Jie want to convene the players participating, they discovered that Wu Yongkang, completed Knorr, Lori, all reason left Jiangchuan city. At this point, an unidentified mask master attacked Yao Jie, and threatened to stop Yao Jie to participate in the world all-around game. Yao Jie and Ye cream after some investigation discovered that recently a number of masks players multiple yo-yo on the Chinese city launched the invasion, the purpose of the two unknown mask, worried. In order to grasp the Chinese the only opportunity in the world all-around game, Yao Jie decision to ignore the mask of the threat, and Ling Leung split up looking for new players to team up, marching to the "yo-yo world all-around game,"

Episode 29

According to the information provided by leaf cream, Ling Liang came to Wuhan City, the first stop destination to find create 2A legend "Yellow Dragon Volume extremely expert. Meantime Ling Leung accidentally became acquainted with Chen Kai, Kai Chen, generous, family noodle shop in the open juvenile shelter lost wallet Ling bright side of his work while looking for people. Chen Kai learned Ling Liang looking for the "Yellow Dragon Volume to be touched, and recalled my own products and brother in a duel ... on the other hand, Yao Jie returned home to find Xichang City 5A master, and saw the teacher of a child's yo-yo flying China. From the mouth of his wife Zhou Jing Hua Fei, Jie Yao learned that the front and play ball with Brother Sun Wei Hua fly off for some time, was shocked.

Episode 30

Ling Liang looking for the "Yellow Dragon Volume to no avail, desperation came up with a bad idea, posing as a mask for someone challenge and would like to take this lead to the" Yellow Dragon Volume. Unexpectedly, the Yellow Dragon Volume has not yet appeared and Ling Liang was the siege of Wuhan City, all the players, at stake. Critical moment, Chen Kai come to the rescue, when Ling bright side to know that Chen Kai was originally a 2A master. The other hand, China fly to help Yao Jie team, decided to hold the 5A player trials, unexpectedly poor response. Yao Jie seeing this, close to all the players to exchange views and learn the way, and points to the significance of World yo-yo all-around game "on the Chinese yo-yo. All the players moving, have enthusiastically enrolled in the trials.

Episode 31

Ling Leung Kai Chen is a master of the yo-yo, Chen Kai posing as a mask help themselves lead to the "Yellow Dragon Volume has been Chen Kai severe tongue-lashing. Ye cream inform Ling Liang, Yellow Dragon Volume is very likely the most powerful by the 2A yo-yo "Hot Wheels" resorted to. Ling Liang clues overjoyed to know to start looking for "Hot Wheels" big, hard to find the yo-yo last unwittingly found in Chen Kai's room, shocked. At the same time the mask Jack City Wuhan, expose Chen Kai is the legendary "Yellow Dragon Volume! The other hand, Yao Jie organized 5A trials was carried out smoothly, when Sun Wei suddenly appeared to Yao Jie launched a challenge. Finally, Sun Wei defeated Jie Yao, and destruction throughout the trials.

Episode 32.

China to fly past to say, the original three years ago, Sun Wei stole the treasure of the door division tungsten particles, and yo-yo "Xuanming combined into 5A of the strongest weapons in order to challenge other players, almost possessed by the devil. Huafei know, rage against the dying Sun Wei Sun Wei stubborn, in turn, complain that the Chinese fly eccentric Yao Jie, resulting in China to fly angry drove away under the Sun Wei. Yao Jie think the brothers of the left in relation to himself and to feel remorse. At the same time, Sun Wei with another mask secret contacts, the two seem to have a conspiracy. Ling Leung learned that Chen Kai original "Yellow Dragon Volume, find ways to let Chen Kai regain yo-yo, or even go around preaching Chen Kai's identity, so that Chen Kai greatly annoyed. Ling Liang see that Chen Kai as one to escape its sharply when the two broke up.

Episode 33

Chen Kai's determined refusal to allow the Ling Liang decided to leave, at this moment, Ling Leung received news of the mask Jack City Wuhan 2A contest registration at big trouble. In order to prevent the mask man, Ling Leung go alone to challenge Jack, and finally lost due to the disparity of power. Chen Kai heard the news come to help, but Ling Liang blocked. Ling Leung admits that he has figured that should be respected, Kai Chen's decision to give up the yo-yo, so that Chen Kai rocked. Jack beat Ling Liang, arrogant, threatening to win the 2A championship, Chinese 2A players to prove vulnerable. Against Jack Ling Leung started training hard 2A moves. Chen Kai Ling bright adhere moved finally to their points to the mystery of the golden dragon volume ... on the other hand, find Yao Jie Sun Wei, mentoring and hope to persuade. Sun Wei does not appreciate, but the tungsten particles gamble issued a challenge to Yao Jie. On behalf of Yao Jie, China fly should be about war, and Yao Jie when tungsten particles with "Xuanming" fight.

Episode 34

Chen Kai decided to join with the Ling Liang 2A contest, Ling Liang overjoyed. To deal with Jack, the two hard "Yellow Dragon volume, but always to no avail. Ling Liang inadvertently by Chen Mingqi hair, and finally realized that the practice of the "Yellow Dragon Volume, and decided to concentrate on to help Chen Kai mastered this trick. However, with the ball, the power of the Yellow Dragon Volume has been unable to play, Ling Liang, to find the leaf cream, and begged her to copy the "Hot Wheels", make up a pair with a single ball in Chen Kai. But the new ball has not been sent, 2A competition has begun. For time, Ling Liang efforts to persuade the local players advance to play the challenge Jack. Yao Jie in China to fly under the guidance of, and finally realized how to manage the the "Xuanming and tungsten particles, and understand the true meaning of the game. In a test of the day and Sun Wei Jie Yao bring out the strength of the Sun Wei was shocked ......

Episode 35

All the players a massive offensive in the next Jack defeated by Ling Leung playing with Jack Battle. Ling Liang for bankruptcy, but finally lost to Jack lost. Critical moment, Chen Kai finally arrived and started a war with Jack, the two are evenly matched. Ready to beat Jack in Chen Kai, but found "Yellow Dragon Volume can not be successfully resorted to shock the spot. The other side, Sun Wei ultimately lost to Yao Jie, China Fei say had refused to tungsten particles to the Sun Wei's painstaking, so that Sun Wei is very ashamed, they grudge finally to resolve. When the mask Robin suddenly appeared to the crowd to ask for the tungsten particles, and to speak out have been using Sun Wei. Sun Wei was furious and fought a fierce battle to the tungsten particles and Robin ...

Episode 36

Sun Wei and Robin war, in times of crisis Yao Jie to come to the rescue. Sun Wei by Yao Jie encouraged, and finally broke the strength, Robin forced to retreat. Robin was about to fall, another mask people Mariner rescued Robin, so Yao Jie was shocked. Mouth from Sun Wei, Yao Jie clues about masks, thoughtful ... the other side, Chen Kai always resorted to the "Yellow Dragon Volume, almost have to give up, when Ling Liang then let him regain confidence in the ultimate success resorted to the "waterspout", Jack defeated. Jack surrounded, another mask people angry all the players Li Xiangyang rescued by Jack. Kai Chen and Ling Leung ready to leave Wuhan continue on the road, but received a leaf cream help information: Ye Bin, brother of Ye cream with the 1A strongest yo-yo "photon elves S" ran away from home.


Episode 37.

Yao Jie back to the the Jiangchuan City to Matsumoto is still inquire about Dylan whereabouts, but was informed that Dylan has left the Eagle team, and amazed to learn that Dylan the former there are teammates in the United States. Jie Yao, after investigation, found Dylan's teammate is emerging this time mask. After many twists and turns, Yao Jie finally found Dylan, but Dylan has long lost the confidence of the yo-yo, and said the actions of the masks people powerless, Yao Jie prepared by a sense of helplessness. Ling Liang, Chen Kai arrived at Xi'an, to help the leaf cream to find Ye Bin and photon Wizard S ". The process of looking for the chance and Ling Liang Ye Bin acquainted with two like-minded. Two masks people suddenly want to Ye Bin surrender "photon elves S", Ling Liang Shi Zhi Ye Bin, is looking for people who deal with mask, so the photon Wizard opportunistic rescued Ye Bin ... ...

Episode 38

Ye Bin photon Wizard that Ling Liang identity, left after an argument with the Ling Liang. Ye cream brother he has been biased, very helpless, and are more worried about the "photon Wizard S" will fall into the hands of the masks people. Ling Liang and Chen Kai once again find Bin Ye, Ye Bin has to defeat photon photon Wizard S Wizard "conditions" photon Wizard S "to the mask people. Ling Liang denounced Ye Bin, I, to determine the Yuezhan mask people recapture "photon elves S". On the other side, Yao Jie to help Dylan to regain the fighting spirit to find Li not trying to Yuezhan Dylan, instead of a special team event, so that Dylan to understand the true meaning as the captain of.

Episode 39

The mask of persons who hold the "photon Wizard S" to the Ling Leung worried about the next game. Ultimately, Ling Leung came up with the photon Wizard features to win the game, and despite the burden of the fingers, abnormal tough ball rope obtained from the leaves cream to deal with the harsh competition. Race day, Ling Liang to four mask conditions of the battle, regardless of the mask what allow Ling Liang in the hands of yo-yo stop idling for the win. A battle commence soon, Ling Liang, to an enemy, struggling to mask powerful offensive support ... At the same time, Yao Jie and Dylan have been informed of the news of the decisive battle of the Ling Liang and mask from the leaf cream is run so fast to Xi'an came ...
Episode 40

In order to regain "photon elves S", Ling Leung, an enemy, into a bitter struggle, the way more rescue Ye Bin, leaving the photon Wizard "mask airflow hit the cracks. Just in the nick of time, Yao Jie suddenly appeared to help Ling Liang Dangxia the fatal blow, Dylan appeared at the same time, so that the presence of shock. Yao Jie to explain to everyone the mask done, and announced the end of the game, but Ling Leung refused to forgive as masks, insisted to finish the race. Dylan stood up to bear all the photon Wizard S "with their own test of Ling Liang. After an arduous struggle, Liang Ling final photon Wizard S reached the realm of the ball one, defeated Dylan. Ling Liang adhere to the yo-yo moved the people, Ye Bin photon Wizard S real gift Ling Liang. Finally, Dylan agreed with the fire team, the world all-around game again higher, but Yao Jie, Ling Liang, Chen Kai toward the journey to continue to find new players off!
                                                                                                 But,this story is not end……
                                                                                                 This was continued in nexs season!     

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