Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

The girl (MaLiNa) was using this yoyo when she tries to stop the Blazing Team from participating in the international yoyo competition. As many plans failed (because the team was able to find a good 2A player despite other problems), she decides to 'join' Blazing Team.

She gets the best 5A player (a boy) in the town in which Jacky is finding a 5A player to follow her plans, in exchange that she will try (after the competition) to allow that person to join the Silver Eagle team.

She lies to Jacky that the boy had been cruel to her, because she had similar strength to him. She 'pretends' that she beat him in the final match, so that Jacky would allow her to join the Blazing Team. He does (which may suggest he likes her somewhat).

Then, she receives a call from the 3A player, who had lost to Liam. She hurries over and tells to Jacky that she has some things to sort out first and that he should go back without her. He agrees. She goes to WuZhen and tells the 3A player to continue to do the terrible things (because she has a hold on him, regarding a team).

However, unexpectedly, she challenges Liam to have another competition. Later, the 3A player helps Liam, making her leave in anger. She returns to Blazing Team with a different yoyo, claiming that she had accidentally 'lost' Phantom, so that Liam would probably not recognise her when he came back.
Liam is separated from two of his team mates (ChenKai and XiaoZhi). They were going to catch a bus. However, the bus leaves fairly early and Liam is a late sleeper. He arrives late. Fortunately his team mates are there, waiting.

He somehow gets separated from ChenKai and XiaoZhi (because of the crowd). Liam mistakes another person as ChenKai and catches another bus. Meanwhile ChenKai and XiaoZhi can not find Liam and the time to catch their bus nears, so they leave, on the correct bus.

Liam finds himself in a place called WuZhen, quite far from the destination. By chance, a person bumps on to him (with a skateboard). Liam is knocked unconsious. He wakes up to see an elderly man - the twin of the Tai Chi 'Uncle'.

Liam makes friends with some of the younger children on the other side of the bridge. There, he hears the rumours of the man as an evil person, who takes in runaway and lonely children. These children were said to be the 'victims' of the man.

Liam tries to run away from the place. The man slowly uncovers his true identity - he was not some evil person but a person that throughout his life was fairly lonely and made toys for children. No one likes his toys. Liam tries them and finds out with 'shock' how different they are. Liam suggests for him to make yoyos. The man tries a few, but they are different from Liam's definition of a 'yoyo'.

The 3A player from Dylan's team (Silver Eagle Team) is forced into challenging Liam. The 3A player unfairly stole Sean's yoyo (Sonic Strome) in a competition. He shows Sean's yoyo to Liam and says "that if you lose, you must quit the international competition". Liam tells the 3A person "that if you lose, you must give the yoyo back to me (to give to Sean) and never find problems for my team again." Both agree to the terms.

They begin a competition. The 3A player is playing 1A (with one of his 3A yoyos). The player seemed to know what Liam was about to do. Liam loses. However, the 3A player lets Liam have a second chance.

Liam seems unhappy that his competitor could do so well and know easily what he was about to do next. He also was unhappy because he could not find any fault. He tells this to the man and says, 'if only I could change the yoyo's route'. The man thinks, and makes a yoyo - 巨灵战神.

The next morning, he is given 巨灵战神. He uses it and shrugs as the yoyo seems like any other yoyo. That is, until the man takes out a magnet. Liam finds out that 巨灵战神 has magnesium inside it, therefore it can react to some forces.

He practises with the new yoyo, wearing many different magnetic objects (e.g lightbulbs in his head). He struggles with the yoyo as the pull is to close and difficult.

The man becomes bored so he begins to 'play' with Liam. His 'play' gives Liam a inspiration and reminder that magnesium reacts with negative and positive sides. He asks to have a yoyo glove made, on one side with negative and another with positive. He is then able to control the route of the yoyo.
>巨灵战神 had the problem of being attracted to some other metallic yoyos. Liam found this out during a practice with XiaoZhi, that turned into a competition. One of XiaoZhi's yoyos were metallic and 巨灵战神 was being pulled into it.

He is helped by the Tai Chi to ensure that in the nearest distance, he can use the maximum energy. He does this by tying his hands (with rope) up and using them to do everyday things. It works.


>巨灵战神's illusion is a large knife. It can be separated into many different knives (with the use of the glove) as an attacking tactic.


>The Tai Chi man's twin, who made the yoyo, became sick and nearly blind. Liam feels pressured to win in the next competition against Tornado Team [Japan]. He loses against the 1A player. Liam felt awful, which made him even more pressured to win.

However, the captain of Tornado (who Liam was just trying to beat) had been trying to waste Liam's stamina. This tactic was found out during the Blazing Team's performance. Liam was unable to make the illusion. In the end, his yoyo shatters the whole team's illusion, and also breaking the yoyo itself. Blazing Team loses by one point.

Liam puts the yoyo away (with his other yoyos). He has memories and feels that it was quite sad to stop. He decides to quit the team and yoyoing forever. He believed that it was his fault that the person who made the yoyo didn't see a final win. This shatters his confidence

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