Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

blazing teens 4:This season is once again about Liam and Jacky. This is the first time in which China can take part at a high level, according to the animation.

From Blazing Teens 3 (Chinese version - needs confirmation on other versions), we know that Jacky had been planning to take his previous team (Liam, Ken, Jerry and Lily) from the last season to this competition. However, all of them are overseas apart from Liam. So Liam and Jacky would have to visit different parts of China to find suitable players. In the last animation (Blazing Teens 3), we know that Liam has found [chenkai (english name probably Karl)] as their 2A member.

Also from the previous animation season, there are four masked people who appear and they are trying to stop all yoyoers in China by beating them with the deal that the loses (might) never play again. These masked people are Dylan's team from the Western side.

Meanwhile, Liam faces a challenge in attempt to get back Phonton S, made by Sandy (yeshuang) 's younger brother. Her younger brother believed that he was always behind Sandy and did not understand the 'true meaning and reason of making yoyos'. Her younger brother gives Phonton S to the masked people. The deal is that Liam can withstand their attacks in a set time.

Jacky comes along when Liam is just about to lose. He helps Dylan to regain his team's trust as captain. However, Liam is still unsatisfied, saying that they had stopped too many yoyoers in a lifetime. He is given Phonton S.

Two members from the Silver Eagle Team (Dylan's Team) were planning to cause havoc for the Blazing team, so they would be unable to take part in the National Competition. They continue to cause the havoc they had been doing before their Captain, Dylan, warned and stopped them. The main plotter is [Ma LiNa], the 5A yoyoer. The other person is the 3A yoyoer.

Liam and [ChenKai] go to find for a 3A member. Liam loses his yoyo (Phonton S) in the process. He uses Thunder S, a previous yoyo. Their 3A member [LiXiaoZhi] was also known as a 'evil' yoyoer. They, as a team, find out the real reason behind LXZ's unkindness - he was lonely without friends. [LiXiaoZhi] and Liam do not really get along (but they are okay...just the odd argument). When [LiXiaoZhi] became a friend, and later a team mate, Jacky goes on to find another 5A yoyoer before the other members. Liam, [LiXiaoZhi] and [ChenKai] stay on for a little longer.

{At this point, the animation is split into two views-Jacky ; Liam}
Jacky goes to a different part-another place in China famous for 5A yoyoers. He tries to find the best player. He does this with a 5A yoyoer (do not forget that Jacky is a 1A-5A yoyoer - all rounder). Ma LiNa goes near Jacky and does some yoyo tricks when two boys come and 'are mean to her'. Jacky comes to the rescue, 'part of the plan'. However, she had not known that Jacky was strong, so it did not go accordingly.

She pretends to befriend Jacky. They go into a restaurant, where they overhear a conversation about a yoyoer who 'exaggerated' his skills and 'declared himself as the top 5A yoyoer in the town/city' and 'unbeatable'. Jacky believes that he would perhaps find the yoyoer he was looking for. When Jacky meets the yoyoer, he finds out that the person (a boy) did indeed have good skills. However, he did not like his atitude to yoyoing. So he steps in to compete. He lasts longer than the others, but as the boy went in for it harder, [Ma LiNa] stepped into help (part of the plan). The boy then says something like, 'oh, you allied with this boy, because you lost so badly'. [Ma LiNa] pulls Jacky's hand to leave.

She tells him a fake story of that when she came to the town, she was quite confident about her yoyo skills. But when she saw the boy making other people unhappy, she decided to put a stop to it. No one wins, but they set a challenge that soon, they would have a 'official' website. She lies that soon, the next day, a few people pushed her, making her hand wounded. She then found out that it was actually the boy's plan, so that he would not lose. Jacky believes her.

Jacky and [Ma LiNa] makes a deal with the boy. She 'pretends' that she beat him in the final match, so that Jacky would allow her to join the Blazing Team. He does (which may suggest he likes her somewhat).

Later, the audience is shown the plot between the boy with [Ma Lina]. [Ma Lina] was to get into Blazing Team and the boy was to get referred into Silver Eagle Team. It was all an act. Then, she receives a call from the 3A player, who had lost to Liam. She hurries over and tells to Jacky that she has some things to sort out first and that he should go back without her. He agrees and leaves first. She goes to WuZhen and tells the 3A player to continue to do the terrible things (because she has a hold on him, regarding a team).

Around the same time, Liam is separated from two of his team mates (ChenKai and XiaoZhi). They were going to catch a bus. However, the bus leaves fairly early and Liam is a late sleeper. He arrives late. Fortunately his team mates are there, waiting. He somehow gets separated from ChenKai and XiaoZhi (because of the crowd). Liam mistakes another person as ChenKai and catches another bus. Meanwhile ChenKai and XiaoZhi can not find Liam and the time to catch their bus nears, so they leave, on the correct bus.

Liam finds himself in a place called WuZhen, quite far from the destination. By chance, a person bumps on to him (with a skateboard). Liam is knocked unconsious. He wakes up to see an elderly man - the twin of the Tai Chi 'Uncle'. Liam makes friends with some of the younger children on the other side of the bridge. There, he hears the rumours of the man as an evil person, who takes in runaway and lonely children. These children were said to be the 'victims' of the man.

Liam tries to run away from the place. The man slowly uncovers his true identity - he was not some evil person but a person that throughout his life was fairly lonely and made toys for children. No one likes his toys. Liam tries them and finds out with 'shock' how different they are. Liam suggests for him to make yoyos. The man tries a few, but they are different from Liam's definition of a 'yoyo'.

The 3A player from Dylan's team (Silver Eagle Team) is forced into challenging Liam. The 3A player unfairly stole Sean's yoyo (Sonic Strome) in a competition. He shows Sean's yoyo to Liam and says "that if you lose, you must quit the international competition". Liam tells the 3A person "that if you lose, you must give the yoyo back to me (to give to Sean) and never find problems for my team again." Both agree to the terms. They begin a competition. The 3A player is playing 1A (with one of his 3A yoyos). The player seemed to know what Liam was about to do. Liam loses. However, the 3A player lets Liam have a second chance.

Liam seems unhappy that his competitor could do so well and know easily what he was about to do next. He also was unhappy because he could not find any fault. He tells this to the man and says, 'if only I could change the yoyo's route'. The man thinks, and makes a yoyo - 巨灵战神 [God of War]. The next morning, he is given God of War. He uses it and shrugs as the yoyo seems like any other yoyo. That is, until the man takes out a magnet. Liam finds out that God of War has magnesium inside it, therefore it can react to some forces. He practises with the new yoyo, wearing many different magnetic objects (e.g lightbulbs in his head). He struggles with the yoyo as the pull is to close and difficult.

The man becomes bored so he begins to 'play' with Liam. His 'play' gives Liam a inspiration and reminder that magnesium reacts with negative and positive sides. He asks to have a yoyo glove made, on one side with negative and another with positive. He is then able to control the route of the yoyo, making an effective defense.

Sean one day comes along, looking fairly unhappy. He tells the story of his yoyo - the 3A yoyoer randomly challenged him and took his yoyo when he wasn't alert. He also says that the 3A player was being blackmailed by the 5A yoyoer. This was because at that time, the 3A yoyoer was not happy with Dylan as the team leader, so he tampered with Dylan's yoyo. But Dylan still managed to pull off a perfect performance of yoyo skills. So he decides to stop his disregard and start practising normally. But the 5A yoyoer had seen him do so, so he was blackmailed as he wanted to be a normal player in the team. He also tells Liam that it no longer matters, just go back. The audience shows that the 3A player regrets the dishonesty he had caused.

The 3A player turns up to the challenge. Liam is confident and when he uses the magnesium-property glove, the opposition is confused. He loses. The 3A player leaves, without giving the yoyo back on purpose. He doesn't want to, but if he does not, his secret might be found out.

[Ma LiNa] (5A yoyoer) comes. She, challenges Liam unexpectedly. Though she was slightly surprised when Liam was able to change the yoyo's route, she discovered about the glove. She was successfully pulling a strong attack on Liam when the 3A player decides to help Liam. [Ma LiNa] leaves, sulkily. Liam takes the 3A player to where he was staying. The 3A player gives back Sean's yoyo and says sorry. He is forgiven. He also says that he wishes to leave the team, but Liam's refusal taught him what it was to be a real yoyoer!

It comes to the time when Sean and Liam leave the man's house. However, the man does not want them to go because he is very lonely. So they make plans for him and his toys by opening a free-library of toys. They leave him happy.

{The rest is of the Blazing Team}
The team starts to train when Liam comes back. Liam thinks he recognises [Ma LiNa] from somewhere, but can not remember (as she changed her yoyo, and took off the mask she was wearing). Liam will be in charge of 1A, [ChenKai] 2A, [Li XiaoZhi] - 3A, Jacky - 4A and [Ma LiNa] - 5A.

Jacky and [Ma LiNa] begins to train together and Liam, [ChenKai], [Li XiaoZhi] training elsewhere. [Ma LiNa] is meawhile plotting secretly with the captain [NK] of Tornado Team (Japan - do you remember the intro at the beginning of Blazing Teens 3?). She tells him their weaknesses and strengths. In exchange, he must come and challenge some of the Blazing Team's members during practise. He infuriates [Li XiaoZhi] so he tries to pick up the challenge. But the captain breaks one of [Li XiaoZhi]'s yoyos. Just as they are about to help, [Ma LiNa] helps them out - so they will trust her, and never suspect her. She again helps them out with Jacky (so they will not get into trouble).

In another practice, Liam finds that the magnesium was also attracting itself to one of [Li Xiao Zhi]'s yoyos. He starts to be unhappy. He sees the Tai Chi guy and he tells him to use the maximum amount of energy in the shortest distance. As training, he had to tie up his hands (minium space) and do normal, everyday things, even while yoyoing. After he had finished this 'special training', he asked [Li XiaoZhi] to compete with him again. This time, he wins.

One day, during a practice, [Li XiaoZhi] and [ChenKai] are late. Then [Li XiaoZhi] comes and says 'that the strange guy from the other day is back'. Jacky goes with them and finds out the 'guy' is the captain from Tornado [Japan] team - a very annoying rival. While competing, Jacky notices that the captain knew his weaknesses. He is about to lose when [Ma LiNa], once again 'pretends' to help. Later, he tells Sandy his concerns.

[Ma LiNa] begins another major plot - to kick Sandy out of the team. She tells that her yoyo needs an upgrade. Sandy eventually agrees (she believes that it will make her tired during competitions). [Ma LiNa] then spies on Sandy to find out where her yoyo is kept and that night, she goes and damages it. Though she is unhappy, she believes that some sacrifices should be made for her team (Silver Eagle team). Sandy gets into trouble. [Ma LiNa] overhears another conversation between Sandy and Jacky. She overhears the location of the new yoyo designs (on a drive) are kept. Overnight, she breaks in, taking the drive. Jacky accuses Sandy again. She resigns from the team. Though Liam refuses to believe that she would ever do such thing, she still leaves.

Later, she tells to Liam the only reason why she resigned from the team was to find the real culprit. She asked him whether he had met any strange people while his time in Wu Zhen. He pauses and says that he met one of the masked yoyoers (the 3A yoyoer), but later find out he was being blackmailed by another yoyoer. She asks about this yoyoer and Liam tells her that the yoyoer was a girl. Sandy thinks about [Ma LiNa]. With the help of the Tai Chi guy, they are able to access the school cameras, where they see [Ma LiNa] at night.

The next day, Jacky uses a new form of training - finding weaknesses in themselves, improving and finding the weaknesses in their opposition. Liam goes with [Ma LiNa], revealing the reason why he had to win - to avenge for Sandy. That is when Jacky stops them and accuses Liam of being mean to [Ma LiNa] (another reason why I say that he probably likes her...). Liam quits the team.

Jacky declares the team to have a 'Yoyo Cleanout'. [Ma LiNa] steps in to say that she had learned a few techniques from Sandy. Jacky gives all the yoyos to her. That night, she comes again, planning to break all the yoyos with a hammer. However, she is stopped by Jacky, Liam, [ChenKai], [Li XiaoZhi] and Sandy. [ChenKai] and [Li XiaoZhi] were quite shocked because they trusted her, but they were happy because Liam and Sandy could be welcomed back into the team. The plan was made by Sandy (she told Jacky). She described that [Ma LiNa] would probably love the chance of destroying all the team's yoyos. Though Jacky was rather doubtful, he still did accordingly to the plan.

[Ma LiNa] returns to her own team. Dylan gives her harsher training as a punishment. [Ma LiNa] hands the drive to Dylan (that contains all the yoyo designs of Blazing Team). Dylan then gives this to Jacky, along with a list of 5A yoyoers. Jacky refuses to have this, saying that they already had the best 5A yoyoer as possible - Sean.

The first competition would be against the Tornado team (Japan). [Ma LiNa], though returned to her team (Silver Eagle - Dylan), continues to plot with the captain of Tornado [NK]. They aim to damage Sean's (5A yoyoer) confidence. They challenge him into believing that he wasn't good enough and was only a replacement. Jacky asks Sandy to make a new yoyo for him, proving to Sean that his defence was really strong. He regains confidence.

She tells him that the best players in the team are Liam, Jacky and [ChenKai]. He should visit [ChenKai]'s brother, who would be torn by jealousy. His brother tries to convince him that yoyoing has no chance for a good life. He wants [ChenKai] to stop yoyoing. But he doesn't want to. So his brother [ChenTao] told [NK] how the Golden Winds were made and their weaknesses.

On the day of the competition, Liam and [Li XiaoZhi] both win their games. Sean loses. Jacky plays against [NK] with 4A. Jacky was quite confident with his skills, and [NK] was usually a 1A yoyoer. But he had trained hard to beat Jacky - and he did. [ChenKai] found it hard to play as the opposition had known about his weaknesses very well. They lost their first game, which meant they had to win the rest to get into the real draws.

[ChenKai] decides to resign from the team. He is met with firm disagreement from the team, but he had already given one of his yoyos to his brother. When he tries to ask for it back, his brother refuses unless he accepts his challenge. Suddenly, their father comes and says sorry to the [ChenTao] that he hadn't been able to provide a suitable yoyo-playing environment. Their confidence is regained.

The next competition was against an Australian team. Sandy tells them the players that are hard to beat are the 1A yoyoer and the 2A yoyoer. The 1A yoyoer was very good at defense - so good that his opposition would tire easily. The 2A player was able to immitate the same moves as the opposition. Liam and [ChenKai] were told to be aware.

Liam trains hard, but without success. Jacky tells him that Liam had only been using the magnetic properties for defense. He tells him that maybe their is a possible way to use the properties for attack. Liam goes away to think. His father gives him insipiration in a video game with 'divided attack'. His father told him that you have to get the opposition no chance to defend.

On the day of the competition, Sean and [Li XiaoZhi] both lose. Jacky wins. Then it is half-break. [ChenKai] was slightly anxious, that is until his brother and father come and tells him not to worry. [ChenKai]'s competition first. He was slightly surprised by the opposition. The opposition did manage to disturb his skills, the copy the exact same - 'to be beat by himself'. However, [ChenKai] is able to manage through by using the power from the opposition to create his illusion. He wins. Liam is on next. He uses his normal attacking ways (frontal attack). His opposition is saying things in glee (most of the time). In the final attempt, Liam pretends to do another frontal attack (with the opposition's shield and illusion) but suddenly withdraws and divides his illusion into many. Liam won, winning this game and winning a chance into the real draw.

During training, Jacky announces to the team that he wants to create a team illusion - unique to Blazing team only. 'However', he says, 'this has never been done in recorded history'. They try to blend in their illusions, but the illusion broke and rotation of the yoyos stopped. Jacky studies carefully. The other four were training [ChenKai practise vs. Sean] and [Li XiaoZhi practise vs. Liam]. Of course, they often do not get along. This turns into a fight. By chance, they discover that different tricks did not matter, but the speed and pulse had to be the same or as close as possible. This fight quickly turns into a discovery (which the audience may find funny to watch!). They tell Jacky the good news and they successfully are able to blend in their illusions. While the other were rejoicing, Jacky says that it is an illusion, but it was only the speed of the yoyos - not a real image (because other, similar ones could be made). It had to have the different aspects of each player.

During another practice, [ChenKai]'s yoyo damaged the basic illusion. Jacky is very annoyed because he thought that he was not paying attention. Later, Sandy tells him that [ChenKai] was using a new trick, but the yoyo wasn't good enough for the fast speed. She designs him a new yoyo, which is slightly heavier. Then, he is able to complete the trick properly. His illusion was dragon's head. This gives Jacky inspiration that all the illusions in the team should be 'put on' and not blended in. Sandy goes to find whose yoyo would be which part - their overall illusion is a dragon.

The three teams (Tornado, Silver Eagle, Blazing) quickly speed through the draw, winning easily. Then, finally they arrive at the semi-finals. This time it would be another Tornado vs. Blazing team game. In addition to this, they will also have a team performance which means that they will be using the overall dragon.

Liam finds out one day unexpectedly that the man who had designed his yoyo had caught a disease and was likely to die. He feels pressured to win - with God of War. Meanwhile, [Ma LiNa] continues to plot with the captain of Tornado team.

On the day of the competition, Jacky and [ChenKai] both win their games. [Li XiaoZhi] and Sean loses. Liam feels like he must win (because of the man). He is against the captain of Tornado team and he loses. Liam is still fairly happy though, because there was another chance.

Tornado's team performance are usually very good. During the Blazing Team's performance, while they were trying to do the overall illusion - a dragon - Liam suddenly found himself extremely tired to do the illusion. It was part of [Ma LiNa]'s plan. He forces himself to do it, breaking the dragon into pieces (stopped his team's yoyos from spinning). God of War was also broken. The team loses, thus going out of the competition. They lost by one point.

Liam is put off by this and resigns from the team, making the plan to never yoyo again. He has a few happy memories, before shutting his yoyos into a box.

Dylan tells the 4A player in the team that he is suspecting that the Tornado team had cheated. He asks him to find a tape of the performance. Together, they find that the 4A player in Tornado team had used his captain's yoyo to strengthen the spin of the yoyo, which of course was against the competition rules. [Ma LiNa] sees this, and decides to steal it.

[Ma LiNa] goes to try and steal it. However, she is met by Dylan who holds up her first yoyo. He says that she can either choose the yoyo or the disk. He wants her, in this way to remember why she first yoyoed.

[ChenKai] and [Li XiaoZhi] are about to leave, when they are stopped by Sean who tells them that because Tornado (Japan) team were caught cheating, Blazing Team would go through the finals instead. However, Liam is already totally unsure of his yoyoing skills - he has quit the team a little while ago.

Sandy designs him a new yoyo - Libra. Though it takes some convincing, he has a little more confidence. He chooses to continue to compete. On the day of the competition, Sean goes first. This meant he will be competiting against [Ma LiNa]. [Ma LiNa] surprises Blazing Team by being nicer.

When Liam is going to go on, Blazing Team had won once, and Silver Eagle Team twice (rallying). Liam does have to confidence, but during the competition he began to struggle with controlling the yoyo. Dylan teaches him how to control it. Liam had been trying to hard to win, not paying any attention to the little aspects about the controlization of the yoyo. Though Liam loses, he is happy.

The performance for Silver Eagle team was to make fireworks out of a blended illusion. The whole narration is in Dylan's view at this point. Such as that he was happy to lead his team to the competition as a fair team. It was quite successful. This meant that Blazing Team would have to the team illusion - the dragon. Liam tried to do it, but it missed the dragon. His team mates told him not to give up. He tried again, but his team mates were quickly tiring up. His captain, Jacky, makes a request to Liam, saying that no matter if the team lost or win, they would both do this. Liam agrees.

The final time, the whole team 'kind of' restarts the whole team illusion. This time, there was a flash ... and there was a dragon. The dragon danced around freely. When the overall mark came up, Blazing Team had won (78) and Silver Eagle had 77. Confetti.

The last scene is Jacky and Liam starting a competition. Jacky says that he didn't believe Liam would turn up. Liam says that he had wanted to say something about Jacky's 'bad leadership'. Jacky replies that he didn't like Liam much either. Then the competition starts, with Jacky saying that 'let's yoyo happily'. The entire show stops when Jacky says so, leaving us the audience, wondering and hoping who we best like!

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